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On this page we will be listing products that we feel may be beneficial to promoting positive Mental Health. This can include books, CD's, online programmes, websites, recommended walks and places to visit. 

If you have a product that you would like to recommend or even sell for yourself then please contact us through the contact page (Quick link below) to discuss promotional options.

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Hiking from 'A' to 'B' (Abertawe to Bath)

    By Dai Swansea

A book by one of the site owners detailing his six day hike from Swansea to Bath. Possibly not to everyone's taste it is an almost step by step guide with insights into the people he met on the way, the sights seen and the history of the places passed on the way. Hopefully it will inspire the reader to explore the areas covered and beyond whilst creating ideas for their own wellbeing.

The ebook can be linked to below:


Tree logo stage 3B.png

All content is subject to copyright © Images are web owners own unless otherwise stated. If you wish to use an image &/or quotes please feel free to contact the site owners for permission. No images or quotes can be used until permission is gained from the site owner and then due credit must be given 


All content is placed as an opinion and is not to be accepted as fact unless categorically proven to be so. All recommendations are to be taken as seen and we can not be liable for any external content which is directed to. Any external links are subject to their own terms and can only be used at your discretion. All suggestions will be scrutinized by us (the site owners) before being considered for use on the site as suggestions, ideas etc. 

Join us on social media for more ideas, tips, suggestions & content. We are mostly active on the Facebook group and Instagram at the moment but this will change in time. You Tube & a podcast channel will be added at a later date. Click on the links to the right to go to the relevant pages.

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