Our aim at Positive Nature is to get everyone talking about Mental Health and highlight ways we can attain a positive state of mind in a stressful World. We are caring people who wish nothing but happiness and positivity throughout the World for improved Mental Health & Wellbeing.
We will try to achieve this by creating a safe space for people to chat and share ideas, suggestions etc mainly through the medium of nature but not necessarily exclusively so. The website will always be a work in progress so make sure to return often to see what's new and keep up to date with articles, products and ideas on the subject of Mental Health & Wellbeing.

We want to hear from you as well so be sure to contact us with your ideas, suggestions, products and stories to help others in similar situations.
Both myself (Dai) & Steve live with negative Mental Health issues and we want to share with you our journey on planet Earth.
Lots of things in the pipeline for the future including videos, podcasts and alternative angles on the subjects of Mental Health, Wellbeing and Spiritual living. Link with us on social media and stay connected to help us connect to the World.