We live in a World where stress is a common factor. Modern life can be hard for sensitive people and negative Mental Health issues are on the rise because of it. Working on computers & laptops, constantly on the phone, landline or mobile, being told by our boss that we simply aren't good enough - it all adds up and our brains begin to shut down. We lose focus and begin to feel ill as a result. Although in many cases we can't completely leave the rat race, we can, however, take a break from it. Winding down is important and what better way than connecting with nature to relax the mind.

A typical stress related scene

Bedruthan Steps, Cornwall, UK
Nature is close wherever we are. It doesn't matter if we live deep in the countryside, by the sea, in a forest or even in the busiest city - nature will be close if you pause and stand awhile.
From Flora & Fauna to animals - we can take delight in watching this natural world go about its daily business

Fungi at base of tree

Even Churchyards can be a place to spot nature. Often planted with trees (particularly Yew trees in the UK) along with wild flowers which are encouraged to grow, the wild animals & insects love the natural habitat & protection given at these sites. Cemetaries & Churchyards are instilled with a deep peace due to their very nature and creatures can sense this. Sitting in a Churchyard is not the creepy experience you might think it is - try it, you never know what natural delight you may find along with the calming atmosphere.
Church & Churchyard in Bursledon Hampshire (UK)
Follow the path ahead, follow the signs you are given, it may lead you to hidden wonders. Life is about the journey not the destination so take as many turns as you want. You'll always end up where you are meant to be and along the way you can experience many things, some good,others not so good but you can learn from it all and grow yourself.