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The Samaritans UK - Samaritans is a registered charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland, often through their telephone helpline.

Call free on 116 123 or link to website here for more options: 


Mind & Mind Cymru - 

Provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.  Campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.

We won't give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets support and respect.

Call (infoline) 0300 123 3393 /(General enquiries) 020 8519 2122

Mind Cymru (Cardiff) 029 2039 5123

Email or link to website here for more options: 

Therapy Route - Link to an extensive list of helplines, crisis lines, and suicide hotlines from all around the world. Please choose your country and call the appropriate number.

Link here to website for full list of Global helpline numbers: 

2wishuponastar - Provides immediate and ongoing bereavement support for families, individuals and professionals affected by the sudden and traumatic death of a child or young adult aged 25 or under. This service is only available in Wales at the moment.

Call 01443 853125

Email or link to the website here for full details and options:

Mental Health Foundation - Their vision is for a world with good mental health for all. Their mission is to help people understand, protect and sustain their mental health. Prevention is at the heart of what they do, because the best way to deal with a crisis is to prevent it from happening in the first place.

Link here to the website for a full list of options to guide you in the right direction for your personal issues or ideas: 

Cruse bereavement Care - Grief is a natural process, but it can be devastating. Cruse are there to support you after the death of someone close. 

Call 0808 808 1677 or link to website here for more options: 

Addictioncenter - Recovery Worldwide operates a service to help people with addiction issues anywhere in the World. Visit the website to link with professional practitioners which aid in the recovery of any addiction.

 Call (877) 370-4973 0r link to website for country based options:

Please note - The international dialling code for the USA is +1. Please remember to add it when dialling from outside America.

Bocarecoverycenter - An American based group that mainly deals with addiction issues and the subsequent Mental Health Issues that follow. The link will, however, take you to a page dealing with stress and the effects stress has on the body. Visit the site to learn more about the condition and any programmes that Boca Recovery Center offer to help anyone in need anywhere in the World.

Call (800) 516-4357 or link to the website for more options:

Please note - The international dialling code for the USA is +1. Please remember to add it when dialling from outside America.

Drugwatch - An American company with a legal background to ensure the safe use of drugs and medicines in the U.S. whilst providing information on a range of medical health issues such as Mental Health conditions. The link will take you to the page on Mental Health conditions and is packed with lots of useful information to help you understand each of the conditions listed. A highly informative page that is easy to read and give you the insight into Negative Mental Health conditions.

Call (888) 645-1617 or link to the website for more options:

Please note - The international dialling code for the USA is +1. Please remember to add it when dialling from outside America.

If you have any suggestions for any other helpful contacts you think may be beneficial to users of this site then please let us know the details so we can add the contact on this page. To send your suggestion please use our contact page.

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All content is placed as an opinion and is not to be accepted as fact unless categorically proven to be so. All recommendations are to be taken as seen and we can not be liable for any external content which is directed to. Any external links are subject to their own terms and can only be used at your discretion. All suggestions will be scrutinized by us (the site owners) before being considered for use on the site as suggestions, ideas etc. 

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