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What is Positive Nature?

​Positive Nature is a place to seek sanctuary from the rigours and stresses of modern day life. Packed with images and words on the theme of nature the site is designed to uplift your day and relieve your stress levels. 

How can it help me?


We are all about positivity here and encourage you to join in with like minded positive people. Contact us (Link below) if you have an idea or suggestion that could improve our collective Mental Health to share with the community & also we would like to hear from you if you live with a negative Mental Health condition to which you are seeking help with & are looking to improve positivity/wellbeing.

We are not doctors or medical professionals so are legally unable to provide diagnosis but we can advise and point you in the right direction whilst providing a safe space to talk with a good listening ear. 

To contact us with comments, suggestions or just to chat then please do so through our contact page (Link here      )

Mental Health

First Aid


Is Nature proven to help our Mental Health?


Yes, absolutely! There have been many scientific studies conducted which prove a link between being in a green outdoor space & improved Mental Health/Wellbeing. Just seeing a green space or listening to sounds related to outdoor life can have a huge positive impact on our Mental Health. It wont cure your condition but it will put you in a space where you can manage your condition more easily. To see a more in depth article on this subject go to the Mental Health Foundation's 'Thriving with Nature' article which can be linked to here:


Where in the site can I find what I need?


Firstly go to the menu bar at the top of each page. Here you can find a variety of options designed to help you with positive Mental Health. The attributes of each page are listed below to help you in your search:


Front Page

This is just the landing page and is a general welcome page.


Home Page

This gives a general overview of the isuues surrrounding negative Mental Health and how we can use nature inspired things to ease our individual problems.


About Page

You are here now and gives an overview of what we are attempting to achieve on this site whilst giving you direction on which page will help you the most at any given time.


Gallery Page

Here you will find many uplifting images designed to encapsulate nature and uplift your day. Videos may be added at a later date to further enhance the experience. 



If you want to keep up with the latest news about the site and any other items and links that we add over time then head over to the blog pages where we will be posting all these details.

Blog Page

This is where we, the site owners, will write about various topics inspired by our own experiences and other items we see and hear about. This can also include any issues raised by you, the readers and users of this site, to bring awareness to the wider community. It will be regularly updated and include insights into the problems surrounding Mental Health, what can cause those issues and what we can try and do to ease those issues. Also head here for all the latest news at Positive Nature.


Help & Tips Page

On this page we will highlight things we have tried to improve our Mental Health and again any suggestions provided by you, the readers and users of this site. This will develop over time and be updated according to any new evidence we hear about or ideas that we try out which may work. 


Products Page

On this page we will be highlighting any products designed to improve Mental Health. This may include meditation CD's/programmes, guided nature walks, self help programmes and general Spiritual goods. Please also see this page if you have a product you would like to promote for yourself and we can possibly be an affilliate for that product. 


Contacts Page

Fairly self explanatory this one. Go here to fill in the contact form to contact us with your thoughts, suggestions, ideas, products etc.

Who is behind Positive Nature?

We are two guys who have had experiences in the care sector caring for people with negative Mental Health issues. Also we both live with negative Mental Health conditions ourselves which have been professionally diagnosed. Our bios are below giving a sense of where we are coming from and how we deal with our issues. We are based in Swansea, South Wales in the United Kingdom but we hope to expand and grow a Worldwide audience eventually to help as many people as we can.

Dai and Steve met at a local Swansea care home where they were both employed as carers looking after people with severe Mental Health problems and acquired brain injuries. They hit it off immediately and now work to bring these issues to the wider world for better understanding and compassion.

Dai is a caring, sharing type of guy who loves nothing more than seeing other people happy. Born in Southampton, Southern England as David Riggs he now goes under the pseudonyms of Dai Plasmarl on social media and Dai Swansea in his literary work (One ebook published so far).

Dai was bullied at school and work moving from job to job as he felt uncomfortable wherever he was. He has experienced a multitude of jobs including motor mechanic, car valeter, carer, cook & host in the hospitality sector and cooks assistant in the care sector. Although uncomfortable at times all of these jobs have given Dai plenty of life experience and he has learnt many things over the years.

Dai describes himself as a highly sensitive empath which, in a modern fast paced world, has led to negative Mental Health issues. Anxiety & depression has been a constant in his life since his early teens and now 40+ years later he is gradually turning the negatives into positives. 

Dai is a passionate hiker who loves nothing better than to roam for miles through the countryside connecting with the natural surroundings. This helps with his Mental Health and shows why this website was created by him and his best buddy to help others.

Although not strictly religious Dai does follow a Spiritual path and connects deeply with the old Pagan ways which also helps him cope with the negative Mental Health.

The blog posts will touch more on this as the guys explore various aspects of Mental Health, Spirituality and ways to manage such conditions especially through the medium of nature.


Steve is also a caring person who enjoys his privacy but loves meeting new people & sharing new experiences with others. Born in Swansea and never moved out he has grown up & worked in the city in various jobs.

Steve was also bullied at school which knocked his confidence at an early age. He learnt to deal with theses problems as he grew up but still lives with some negative Mental Health issues. He has tried various jobs within the security & care sectors whilst also doing charitable work through the Princes Trust & Camp America. This has led Steve to experience working in a different country whilst also being invited to Buckingham Palace to receive an award. This has led Steve to become very passionate about caring for others & helping stop the stigma of negative Mental Health.

Steve describes himself as a passionate but sensitive person who lives with some Negative Mental Health issues. He has experienced many bouts of Anxiety & Depression throughout his life but tries to deal with such issues in a positive and caring manner.

Steve finds comfort & solace by spending time with family including his two hounds Rambo & Gizmo. This gives him a positive view towards living with negative Mental Health and he was more than delighted to be able to collaborate with Dai on this website to help others with their own Mental Health issues.

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All content is subject to copyright © Images are web owners own unless otherwise stated. If you wish to use an image &/or quotes please feel free to contact the site owners for permission. No images or quotes can be used until permission is gained from the site owner and then due credit must be given 


All content is placed as an opinion and is not to be accepted as fact unless categorically proven to be so. All recommendations are to be taken as seen and we can not be liable for any external content which is directed to. Any external links are subject to their own terms and can only be used at your discretion. All suggestions will be scrutinized by us (the site owners) before being considered for use on the site as suggestions, ideas etc. 

Join us on social media for more ideas, tips, suggestions & content. We are mostly active on the Facebook group and Instagram at the moment but this will change in time. You Tube & a podcast channel will be added at a later date. Click on the links to the right to go to the relevant pages.

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